Gender Check 5/25/11- Northeast

*Gender Checks are quick examinations of gender representation in individual news articles for the purpose of discovering trends over time. Click here to read more.

Website: The New York Times

On The New York Times, one of the lead articles featured on the home page as of 8:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, May 25 was titled “G.O.P on the Defensive as Voters Resist Medicare Plan.” Its subject was an analysis of the plan to reduce Medicare to reduce government spending.

Here is its gender breakdown:

Author: Female

Human sources  (listed in order mentioned):

1. Male – spokesman

2. Male – U.S. senator

3. Male – U.S. senator

Notes/analysis: The majority of this story was compiled from previous statements, votes or positions from Congress as well as published statements from interest groups. Several male and female representatives are named but not directly quoted.

Website: ProPublica

On ProPublica, one of the lead articles featured on the home page as of 8:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, May 25 was titled “Witness: Pakistani Intel Officer Ordered Hit on Mumbai Jews.” Its subject was an investigation into an attack on a Jewish center in 2008. The story was written in conjunction with a PBS Frontline investigation, and a version also appeared in the Washington Post.

Here is its gender breakdown:

Author: Male

Human sources  (listed in order mentioned):

1. Male – Pakistani terrorist (self-described term)

2. Male – author

3. Male – Pakistani major

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